What is noni(Morinda citrifolia)?
Noni is a small, evergreen tree found in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Australia and India that often grows among lava flows. Known as a folk remedy for numerous treatments, noni has been used to make dyes for clothing as well as medicine. Even today, the fruit of noni along with the leaves, flowers, stems, bark and roots are used for healing. But because more research is needed, you may not have heard of noni until now.
Better late than never, because this amazing superfruit has been shown to do many amazing things. More specifically, noni is known to help with joint pain and skin conditions, and researchers are investigating it as a possible healing tonic for cancer and chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
It’s often found in combination with grape juice, probably because the grape juice helps hide the unpleasantly bitter taste it possesses, but it can also be found in capsules, tablets and teas. Its popularity as a supplement has developed, mainly due to the flavonoids it contains, which provide noni juice with the benefits I share in this post.

Nutritional Content
Morinda citrifolia is comprised of 5.8 percent protein, 36 percent fiber and 1.2 percent fat. A 1,200-milligram serving provides 2.26 international units of vitamin A, 9.81 milligrams of vitamin C and 32 milligrams of blood pressure-lowering potassium. However, more important than Morinda citrifolia's nutrient content is its phytonutrient content. Phytonutrients are compounds in plants that are not essential to life but that provide significant health benefits. A study published in the 2007 issue of the "International Journal of Food Properties" identified catechin and epicatechin -- flavonoid antioxidants with significant health-promoting benefits, including possible cancer and heart disease prevention, according to the University of California, Davis. Activity levels of Morinda citrifolia's flavonoids were observed to be higher than that of vitamin E or a synthetic antioxidant known as BHT.
Benefits of noni
Blood Sugar-Lowering
A fermented form of Morinda citrifolia might help prevent diabetes, according to a study published in the 2012 issue of the journal "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine." In the laboratory study, supplementation for 90 days with Morinda citrifolia fermented with soy bean paste resulted in blood sugar levels half as high as those of a diabetic control group that did not receive Morinda citrifolia. Fermented Morinda citrifolia also decreased levels of hemoglobin A1c, a marker that reflects blood sugar levels for two to three months prior to the test. Additionally, Morinda citrifolia stimulated a gene that controls metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and stimulates cells to absorb glucose.

Packs an Amazing Antioxidant Punch
You’ve probably heard alot about antioxidants. Foods that contain antioxidants are great because they may help prevent disease-causing cell damage. More common antioxidants are anthocyanins, beta-carotene, catechins, coenzyme Q10, flavonoids, lipoic acid, lutein, lycopene, selenium, and vitamins C and E, which can be found in many foods and as dietary supplements.
Noni and grapeseed oil are among two sources where you can find many of these antioxidants. Antioxidants help reduce damage caused to cells due to oxidative stress. This oxidative stress can come from free radicals, which are highly unstable molecules, and naturally form when the body converts food into energy, such as when you exercise. Researchers believe that oxidative stress affects many diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
Combats Inflammation and Boosts Immunity
Research published in the Journal of Natural Products shows that a “new fatty acid, a new ascorbic acid derivative, and a new iridoid glycoside, a metabolite important for metabolism” were studied along with 13 compounds found in fermented noni fruit juice. The study showed detoxification benefits due to the enzymes known as quinone reductase. This suggests great anti-inflammatory traits, making noni juice a strong anti-inflammatory food.
For example, these traits can help reduce the effects of arthritis. By adding noni juice into your diet, you may be able to provide the body with much-needed nutrients that can reduce and even help eliminate inflammation found in the body. Additionally, the amino acids found in noni can help boost the immune system. Noni contains 17 amino acids, but the serine, arginine and methionine found in noni are particularly useful in keeping the body strong. It can even help with fitness and athletics.
Helps Reduce Cholesterol
A study was conducted of cigarette smokers, which as we know are at particularly high risk for over the top cholesterol levels. The study, which was reported in the Scientific World Journal, gave noni juice to heavy smokers daily for 30 days. The findings revealed much lower cholesterol levels and triglycerides after consuming noni and, therefore, less inflammation in the body.
It’s no secret that cigarette smokers cause a great deal of cell damage within their bodies. In fact, it’s reported that cigarette smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and the reason for one in three deaths related to cardiovascular disease. It raises triglycerides, lowers the “good” HDL cholesterol, causes blood clots — which are known to block blood flow to the heart and brain — and can cause an increase in the buildup of plaque within the body, specifically fat, cholesterol and calcium in the blood vessels. Noni can help reduce cholesterol levels, but of course, quitting smoking altogether is the best course of action.

Aid weight loss of fat cells
One of the benefits of noni juice is that it causes weight loss. This is because it produces nitric oxide inside the body. This nitric oxide is used by the muscles to metabolize a lot of energy. This energy is pulled by nitric oxide from the different sources for muscles to use, the fat cells being one of those sources. This reduces triglycerides (energy) stored in fat cells, resulting in the reduction of weight of fat cells.
Proper Digestion
Noni juice has a high fiber content which promotes proper digestion. It also has laxative properties which can prevent constipation. Since ages, this juice has been used indigenously by the natives to ease digestive problems such as stomach aches.

Anti-Cancer Properties
One of the most notable noni juice benefits is that it may actually help fight cancer. This is due to the fact that noni fruit contains a polysaccharides-rich substance which suppresses the growth of new cancer cells. Noni juice contains antioxidant components which boost the immune system and reduce oxidative stress in the body. The anti-tumor and immunomodulatory properties of this juice make it useful for treating some forms of cancer. Thus, noni juice can reduce the formation of cancer cells, promoting the body’s ability to ward off further infection.

Liver Protection
Diabetes has adverse effects on your liver, thus increasing the risk of fatty liver disease which causes scarring. Noni juice, besides controlling the blood sugar levels, reduces fatty degeneration in liver cells with smaller and less numerous fatty globules, thus protecting your liver and preventing liver damage.
Helps In Dealing With Menstrual Issues
Being an emmenagogue by nature, noni can be used regularly to regulate the menstrual cycle. While noni’s analgesic properties help in alleviating the pain experienced during PMA, the sedating nature of noni keeps you calm to face raging hormones.
This is one of the key reasons why doctors advise against using noni while pregnant as it can induce bleeding and even miscarriage.
Natural Remedy For Anxiety, Stress, And Depression
Low levels of serotonin in the body can lead to mood swings, anxiety disorders, and depression. Melatonin is yet another hormone, which is quite essential to keep the balance of your circadian rhythm. Any change in its levels can leave you with a disturbed sleep, mood swings, and stress.
Studies suggest that the regular use of noni fruit or noni juice can be beneficial in easing stress, alleviating anxiety, and even offering relief from depression and sleep disorders.

Anti-Aging Benefits
The antioxidant vitamin C and other natural chemicals found in noni juice provide nourishment to the cells, tissues and organs, fights free radicals and reverse the adverse effects of aging and pollution. Noni juice also contains selenium which is an important antioxidant and trace element that preserves the skin elasticity, thus slowing the aging process.

Natural Cure For Acne And Pimples
Noni is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral agent. Plus, it is packed with loads of powerful antioxidants, including Vitamin C. The antioxidants fight against the free radicals that trigger oxidative damage and induce acne and pimples. Once the free radicals are tamed, the acne and pimples heal. The inflammations and redness come down, while the antibacterial and antiviral properties of this juice ensure freedom from infections. Studies also suggest that the topical application of noni can even prevent the development of acne and pimple triggered scars on the skin.

Combats Hair Loss
There can be several causes of hair loss such as age, heredity, poor nutrition and scalp problems. Hair loss can be reversed by obtaining the adequate amount of nutrients in your diet. Since noni juice possesses immune boosting abilities, it can benefit those suffering from hair loss. The vitamins and minerals present in it strengthen your immune system and improve circulation, thus promoting the health of your hair and scalp. Drinking noni juice facilitates healthy hair growth, particularly for those who experience premature hair loss. In fact, it is often recommended to many surviving cancer patients to revive their hair follicles after chemotherapy.

Natural Cure For Lice And Dandruff
Noni juice has been used since time immemorial as a topical treatment for various scalp conditions, such as lice and dandruff. Lice bites often trigger infections on the scalp. The antibacterial and antiviral nature of this juice combats the infections by forcing the lice to flee away.
A dry scalp is one of the primary causes of dandruff. Noni juice keeps the scalp conditioned by improving the blood circulation level to the scalp.

Noni for asthma
Asthmatics are subjected to continuous oxidative stress and antioxidant supplements ease asthma symptoms. Noni has powerful Antioxidant properties.
In the present study, Indian researchers measured levels of antioxidants and oxidants in the blood of 38 men and women with asthma and compared them to levels in blood samples from 23 healthy people. Dr. Ahmad Nadeem of the University of Delhi and colleagues write that asthmatic patients showed “alterations in a wide array of oxidants and antioxidants, with balance shifting towards increased oxidative stress in asthma.”
Studies indicate that people with asthma tend to have low levels of certain nutrients (for example, selenium and potassium) and our daily diet (high in fast foods and low in fresh fruits and vegetables) are associated with higher rates of asthma. In fact, fried foods and our daily habituated foods are not complete with all nutrients. We should provide our body a powerful nutritional supplement which must have high antioxidant properties and also must be rich with all the essential nutrients. Noni is a powerful anti oxidant containing adequate amount of Vitamins C, B complex, Beta carotene, flavonoids, and all the essential minerals that make it a powerful source of antioxidants. NONI contains above 150+ nutraceuticals which are the most beneficial and rare micronutrients which we do not get in our daily dietary intake.
Magnesium : Two large studies found that low dietary magnesium intake may be associated with risk of developing asthma in both children and adults. Noni contains magnesium and it helps in asthmatic patients.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Noni is rich in alpha-linolenic acid [ALA], an important omega-3 fatty acid which reduces inflammation and improves lung function. NONI contains all the essential fatty acids including ALA.
Potassium : Data from several studies suggest that compared to diets with normal amounts of potassium, diets low in potassium are associated with poor lung function and even asthma in children. Improving dietary intake of potassium through foods such as fish, fruits and vegetables may therefore be valuable for preventing or treating asthma. Adequate amounts of magnesium are needed to maintain normal levels of potassium. NONI is rich in Potassium (30-150mg / 100g).
Quercetin : Quercetin, a member of a group of antioxidants called flavonoids, inhibits production and release of histamine and other allergic/inflammatory substances. NONI IS RICH IN FLAVONOIDS. Histamine is a substance that contributes to allergy symptoms like a runny nose, watery eyes and hives. The Scopoletin is one micronutrient in NONI which acts like anti-histaminic nature.
Vitamins C and B complex : Although research is limited, there is some indication that vitamin C and B complex are very much useful for treating allergy-related conditions like asthma. NONI is rich with Beta carotene, Vita C and Vita B complex which are the most beneficial for reducing the asthmatic symptoms.
Noni contains all the Vitamins, Minerals, 17 Amino acids out of 20 amino acids, and above all 150+ micronutrients which are very much needed in our body. Their deficiencies are the sole cause of various chronic degenerative diseases. The natural integrity of Noni is only part of the reason for its effectiveness. There are two additional reasons contributing to Noni’s effectiveness for a broad range of conditions.
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Noni is a small, evergreen tree found in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Australia and India that often grows among lava flows. Known as a folk remedy for numerous treatments, noni has been used to make dyes for clothing as well as medicine. Even today, the fruit of noni along with the leaves, flowers, stems, bark and roots are used for healing. But because more research is needed, you may not have heard of noni until now.
Better late than never, because this amazing superfruit has been shown to do many amazing things. More specifically, noni is known to help with joint pain and skin conditions, and researchers are investigating it as a possible healing tonic for cancer and chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
It’s often found in combination with grape juice, probably because the grape juice helps hide the unpleasantly bitter taste it possesses, but it can also be found in capsules, tablets and teas. Its popularity as a supplement has developed, mainly due to the flavonoids it contains, which provide noni juice with the benefits I share in this post.
Nutritional Content
Morinda citrifolia is comprised of 5.8 percent protein, 36 percent fiber and 1.2 percent fat. A 1,200-milligram serving provides 2.26 international units of vitamin A, 9.81 milligrams of vitamin C and 32 milligrams of blood pressure-lowering potassium. However, more important than Morinda citrifolia's nutrient content is its phytonutrient content. Phytonutrients are compounds in plants that are not essential to life but that provide significant health benefits. A study published in the 2007 issue of the "International Journal of Food Properties" identified catechin and epicatechin -- flavonoid antioxidants with significant health-promoting benefits, including possible cancer and heart disease prevention, according to the University of California, Davis. Activity levels of Morinda citrifolia's flavonoids were observed to be higher than that of vitamin E or a synthetic antioxidant known as BHT.
Blood Sugar-Lowering
A fermented form of Morinda citrifolia might help prevent diabetes, according to a study published in the 2012 issue of the journal "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine." In the laboratory study, supplementation for 90 days with Morinda citrifolia fermented with soy bean paste resulted in blood sugar levels half as high as those of a diabetic control group that did not receive Morinda citrifolia. Fermented Morinda citrifolia also decreased levels of hemoglobin A1c, a marker that reflects blood sugar levels for two to three months prior to the test. Additionally, Morinda citrifolia stimulated a gene that controls metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and stimulates cells to absorb glucose.
Packs an Amazing Antioxidant Punch
You’ve probably heard alot about antioxidants. Foods that contain antioxidants are great because they may help prevent disease-causing cell damage. More common antioxidants are anthocyanins, beta-carotene, catechins, coenzyme Q10, flavonoids, lipoic acid, lutein, lycopene, selenium, and vitamins C and E, which can be found in many foods and as dietary supplements.
Noni and grapeseed oil are among two sources where you can find many of these antioxidants. Antioxidants help reduce damage caused to cells due to oxidative stress. This oxidative stress can come from free radicals, which are highly unstable molecules, and naturally form when the body converts food into energy, such as when you exercise. Researchers believe that oxidative stress affects many diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
Combats Inflammation and Boosts Immunity
Research published in the Journal of Natural Products shows that a “new fatty acid, a new ascorbic acid derivative, and a new iridoid glycoside, a metabolite important for metabolism” were studied along with 13 compounds found in fermented noni fruit juice. The study showed detoxification benefits due to the enzymes known as quinone reductase. This suggests great anti-inflammatory traits, making noni juice a strong anti-inflammatory food.
For example, these traits can help reduce the effects of arthritis. By adding noni juice into your diet, you may be able to provide the body with much-needed nutrients that can reduce and even help eliminate inflammation found in the body. Additionally, the amino acids found in noni can help boost the immune system. Noni contains 17 amino acids, but the serine, arginine and methionine found in noni are particularly useful in keeping the body strong. It can even help with fitness and athletics.
Helps Reduce Cholesterol
A study was conducted of cigarette smokers, which as we know are at particularly high risk for over the top cholesterol levels. The study, which was reported in the Scientific World Journal, gave noni juice to heavy smokers daily for 30 days. The findings revealed much lower cholesterol levels and triglycerides after consuming noni and, therefore, less inflammation in the body.
It’s no secret that cigarette smokers cause a great deal of cell damage within their bodies. In fact, it’s reported that cigarette smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and the reason for one in three deaths related to cardiovascular disease. It raises triglycerides, lowers the “good” HDL cholesterol, causes blood clots — which are known to block blood flow to the heart and brain — and can cause an increase in the buildup of plaque within the body, specifically fat, cholesterol and calcium in the blood vessels. Noni can help reduce cholesterol levels, but of course, quitting smoking altogether is the best course of action.
Aid weight loss of fat cells
One of the benefits of noni juice is that it causes weight loss. This is because it produces nitric oxide inside the body. This nitric oxide is used by the muscles to metabolize a lot of energy. This energy is pulled by nitric oxide from the different sources for muscles to use, the fat cells being one of those sources. This reduces triglycerides (energy) stored in fat cells, resulting in the reduction of weight of fat cells.
Proper Digestion
Noni juice has a high fiber content which promotes proper digestion. It also has laxative properties which can prevent constipation. Since ages, this juice has been used indigenously by the natives to ease digestive problems such as stomach aches.
Anti-Cancer Properties
One of the most notable noni juice benefits is that it may actually help fight cancer. This is due to the fact that noni fruit contains a polysaccharides-rich substance which suppresses the growth of new cancer cells. Noni juice contains antioxidant components which boost the immune system and reduce oxidative stress in the body. The anti-tumor and immunomodulatory properties of this juice make it useful for treating some forms of cancer. Thus, noni juice can reduce the formation of cancer cells, promoting the body’s ability to ward off further infection.
Liver Protection
Diabetes has adverse effects on your liver, thus increasing the risk of fatty liver disease which causes scarring. Noni juice, besides controlling the blood sugar levels, reduces fatty degeneration in liver cells with smaller and less numerous fatty globules, thus protecting your liver and preventing liver damage.
Helps In Dealing With Menstrual Issues
Being an emmenagogue by nature, noni can be used regularly to regulate the menstrual cycle. While noni’s analgesic properties help in alleviating the pain experienced during PMA, the sedating nature of noni keeps you calm to face raging hormones.
This is one of the key reasons why doctors advise against using noni while pregnant as it can induce bleeding and even miscarriage.
Natural Remedy For Anxiety, Stress, And Depression
Low levels of serotonin in the body can lead to mood swings, anxiety disorders, and depression. Melatonin is yet another hormone, which is quite essential to keep the balance of your circadian rhythm. Any change in its levels can leave you with a disturbed sleep, mood swings, and stress.
Studies suggest that the regular use of noni fruit or noni juice can be beneficial in easing stress, alleviating anxiety, and even offering relief from depression and sleep disorders.
Anti-Aging Benefits
The antioxidant vitamin C and other natural chemicals found in noni juice provide nourishment to the cells, tissues and organs, fights free radicals and reverse the adverse effects of aging and pollution. Noni juice also contains selenium which is an important antioxidant and trace element that preserves the skin elasticity, thus slowing the aging process.
Natural Cure For Acne And Pimples
Noni is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral agent. Plus, it is packed with loads of powerful antioxidants, including Vitamin C. The antioxidants fight against the free radicals that trigger oxidative damage and induce acne and pimples. Once the free radicals are tamed, the acne and pimples heal. The inflammations and redness come down, while the antibacterial and antiviral properties of this juice ensure freedom from infections. Studies also suggest that the topical application of noni can even prevent the development of acne and pimple triggered scars on the skin.
Combats Hair Loss
There can be several causes of hair loss such as age, heredity, poor nutrition and scalp problems. Hair loss can be reversed by obtaining the adequate amount of nutrients in your diet. Since noni juice possesses immune boosting abilities, it can benefit those suffering from hair loss. The vitamins and minerals present in it strengthen your immune system and improve circulation, thus promoting the health of your hair and scalp. Drinking noni juice facilitates healthy hair growth, particularly for those who experience premature hair loss. In fact, it is often recommended to many surviving cancer patients to revive their hair follicles after chemotherapy.
Natural Cure For Lice And Dandruff
Noni juice has been used since time immemorial as a topical treatment for various scalp conditions, such as lice and dandruff. Lice bites often trigger infections on the scalp. The antibacterial and antiviral nature of this juice combats the infections by forcing the lice to flee away.
A dry scalp is one of the primary causes of dandruff. Noni juice keeps the scalp conditioned by improving the blood circulation level to the scalp.
Noni for asthma
Asthmatics are subjected to continuous oxidative stress and antioxidant supplements ease asthma symptoms. Noni has powerful Antioxidant properties.
In the present study, Indian researchers measured levels of antioxidants and oxidants in the blood of 38 men and women with asthma and compared them to levels in blood samples from 23 healthy people. Dr. Ahmad Nadeem of the University of Delhi and colleagues write that asthmatic patients showed “alterations in a wide array of oxidants and antioxidants, with balance shifting towards increased oxidative stress in asthma.”
Studies indicate that people with asthma tend to have low levels of certain nutrients (for example, selenium and potassium) and our daily diet (high in fast foods and low in fresh fruits and vegetables) are associated with higher rates of asthma. In fact, fried foods and our daily habituated foods are not complete with all nutrients. We should provide our body a powerful nutritional supplement which must have high antioxidant properties and also must be rich with all the essential nutrients. Noni is a powerful anti oxidant containing adequate amount of Vitamins C, B complex, Beta carotene, flavonoids, and all the essential minerals that make it a powerful source of antioxidants. NONI contains above 150+ nutraceuticals which are the most beneficial and rare micronutrients which we do not get in our daily dietary intake.
Magnesium : Two large studies found that low dietary magnesium intake may be associated with risk of developing asthma in both children and adults. Noni contains magnesium and it helps in asthmatic patients.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Noni is rich in alpha-linolenic acid [ALA], an important omega-3 fatty acid which reduces inflammation and improves lung function. NONI contains all the essential fatty acids including ALA.
Potassium : Data from several studies suggest that compared to diets with normal amounts of potassium, diets low in potassium are associated with poor lung function and even asthma in children. Improving dietary intake of potassium through foods such as fish, fruits and vegetables may therefore be valuable for preventing or treating asthma. Adequate amounts of magnesium are needed to maintain normal levels of potassium. NONI is rich in Potassium (30-150mg / 100g).
Quercetin : Quercetin, a member of a group of antioxidants called flavonoids, inhibits production and release of histamine and other allergic/inflammatory substances. NONI IS RICH IN FLAVONOIDS. Histamine is a substance that contributes to allergy symptoms like a runny nose, watery eyes and hives. The Scopoletin is one micronutrient in NONI which acts like anti-histaminic nature.
Vitamins C and B complex : Although research is limited, there is some indication that vitamin C and B complex are very much useful for treating allergy-related conditions like asthma. NONI is rich with Beta carotene, Vita C and Vita B complex which are the most beneficial for reducing the asthmatic symptoms.
Noni contains all the Vitamins, Minerals, 17 Amino acids out of 20 amino acids, and above all 150+ micronutrients which are very much needed in our body. Their deficiencies are the sole cause of various chronic degenerative diseases. The natural integrity of Noni is only part of the reason for its effectiveness. There are two additional reasons contributing to Noni’s effectiveness for a broad range of conditions.
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